Our Blog
Mem's Weightlifting Club is in the news!
Mem’s Weightlifting Club has been featured in an article by the South London Press, which describes it as ‘the go-to destination for Britain’s future Olympians.’

5 Myths About Olympic Weightlifting
It’s fair to say that Olympic weightlifting is a little misunderstood. Here are five common misconceptions about the sport…

Can Anyone Do Olympic Weightlifting?
Here are 7 reasons why Olympic weightlifting is a great sport for people regardless of their age, gender or experience…

Can You Focus Too Much On Olympic Weightlifting Technique?
Can striving for technical perfection actually stop an athlete from testing their strength and pushing their limits? We asked head coach Mem for his thoughts…

Is Gym Culture Toxic?
Gym culture certainly has a toxic side. In this blog, we'll look at some of the issues and show that Mem’s Weightlifting Club is refreshingly different...

Olympic Weightlifting Recovery 101: Mobility
We asked Josie Mitchell, sports therapist and director of London Sports Therapy, for her top tips when it comes to mobilising between lifting sessions.

Olympic Weightlifting Recovery 101: Eating
In this edition of Mem’s Weightlifting Blog, we asked our respected London Olympic lifting coach for his take on nutrition, and how things have changed since his days as an international competitor.

Olympic Weightlifting Recovery 101: Why Sleep Is Important
Sleeping well is essential for good weightlifting recovery. But when life gets busy, it’s usually one of the first things to suffer. So in this edition of Mem’s Weightlifting Blog, we’re looking at how to make sure you’re catching enough Zs…

Why Is The Squat So Important?
In this edition of Mem’s Weightlifting Blog, we’re focusing on a movement that’s essential for the Olympic lifts – namely, the squat.

How do you get out of a weightlifting plateau?
Here’s an Olympic weightlifting coach’s take on how to kick-start your progress when the gains drop off…

Weightlifting tips for tall guys
Is there a perfect height to be an Olympic weightlifter? Is there any specific advice you can give to taller athletes? Lofty lifters, this one is for you...

How to win an Olympic weightlifting competition
From training right through to tactics on the day itself, here is some expert Olympic weightlifting advice for competition athletes…

Weightlifting tips on building muscle
In this edition of Mem's Weightlifting Blog, we ask how effective Olympic weightlifting is if you're looking to get swole…

How often should I max out my Olympic lifts?
How often you should max out your Olympic lifts really depends on your experience and your goals, according to top weightlifting coach Mehmed Fikretov…

How do I prepare for weightlifting competitions?
As a former international athlete and weightlifting coach, Mem knows a thing or two about preparing for a weightlifting competition. Here are his top tips…

Weightlifting tips for beginners
If you’re just starting out on your weightlifting journey and need expert pointers, take on board these top tips from respected London coach Mehmed Fikretov…

Why are the Chinese so good at weightlifting?
We asked weightlifting coach Mehmed Fikretov – a former international competitor – what makes the Chinese such formidable opponents on the world stage.